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Amount of Content Measures the volume of text-based content on a website.

Why is it important?

Textual content is important for many reasons:

Users generally crave substantial information which only text can provide. To rank competitively in search engines, they must find a sufficient volume of content for your desired keywords.

How is it measured?

Each page is analysed in turn, and non-content text is intelligently removed. For example, navigation, menus, breadcrumb trails and footers.

The remaining text represents the unique ‘body text’ of the page. The length of this content is measured and recorded for each page.

  • The expert analysis of our site from an outside perspective proved to be worth many times the amount it cost. Professional, fast, thorough. Once we implemented the recommended changes, we saw an increase on our site conversion rates almost instantly...
    G. & V. Dias
  • The expert analysis of our site from an outside perspective proved to be worth many times the amount it cost. Professional, fast, thorough. Once we implemented the recommended changes, we saw an increase on our site conversion rates almost instantly.
    Armen, President